The Best Free Software on the internet

Handbrake VideoNeed to upload a file to a website that requires a certain format? This program converts video files to almost any format you can think of.
VLC Media PlayerVideoAn excellent video player that is even capable of viewing various video formats. It is also capable of viewing parts of corrupted files.
7-ZipMiscYou can use this program to easily unzip or compress files. An excellent file archiver.
IrfanviewImageAn image viewer and editor that loads quickly and does not take up memory resources.
LinuxMiscA powerful Kernel that is used in current Android devices, web servers, and many other technologies we use daily.
BlenderArt3D modeling software commonly used for animation and game creation.
MuseScoreMusicMusic notation software that you can use to create sheet music.
AudacityAudioAudio editing and recording software that is easy to use.
ZoteroMiscA program that helps you collect, organize, cite, and share research.
GimpArtUsed for art & design.
MalwarebytesMIscMalware protection.